Purkinje has grown up a lot since the last photo - 15 weeks old now!
The Pox, Nugget + Purkinje:
The eglu has some new LED solar lights on and a clear shower curtain to keep out the wind/rain, which you can kind of see in the photo.
I knew Pox wasn't a Speckled Sussex bantam but couldn't remember what the breed was - they had a few at Ash End with a label up on the pen with stuff about the breed then yesterday it clicked ... Ancona! Matilda + Theodore are finally laying again after a moult, Theodore looks surprisingly like a cockerel!
She looks huge compared to Purkinje!
There's another Open evening at school on Wed so Purkinje will be going in, and maybe Matilda or Nugget aswell, have got a load of facts and pictures ready to take in to put out.
Thanks Lewis . . . and about time too!!
Pox gets prettier every week.
What news of the doves ??
Best Regards.
Off to Scotland tomorrow to find a tiny house with a huge garden. Fit for lots of chickens, ducks, dogs and vegetables;
so if I don't hassle you for a few weeks, it's not because of lack of interest !!
Best Regards.
Purkinje ????
Am I missing something vital, or am I just thick . . .
Or are you even weirder than most of us guessed ?????
Purkinje is a heart fibre!
They WERE born in Biology at school :P
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