Back to sleep until half 9, then cheese on toast for breakfast with a cup of tea.
We headed for Horncastle but as it is Sunday everywhere was shut, so we went to Skegness instead.
On the way we saw quite a few fields of Free Range chickens, and when we got to Skegness it was really busy. Had a walk up and down the beach and then went onto the pier. Dad + Nat went to the arcade but I went with Mom to get her a coffee. It started to tip it down with rain so we went into the chip shop out of the rain + then Dad + Nat met us there. We stayed and ate and then after the rain went out the front to watch the parade go past. It was a bit too touristy and loud- a bit in your face.
Came home at about 6 and I went for a walk to explore nearby. There are 2 horses at the end of our garden, a black one and a brown one. I fed them apples and then went to look around the farm. The chickens were sitting on the gravestones in the garden, we threw pieces of apple at them and more came running over, but none would let me get too near to them. There is a huge pond round the back of the church with a few moorhens on it. No eggs in the ark today.
Back in the church I mixed up some Ciabatta bread and left it to rise while I went out for a walk again.
I wondered off for about an hour down the road and found another farm with horses, sheep and a few chickens. They had a few rabbit hutches for £5/£10 so I
On the way down the road two big brown hares ran out in the road in front of me! One sat on the edge eating grass while the other one bounded across the road. They stayed for 5 minutes while I stood and watched them and then they both ran off into the field to join another 3 hares. I was surprised how big they actually were. It’s a good job I had the camera with me :).
I put the bread in the oven with some cheese on top and then watched the tele. Cheese on toast for tea with olives from the Canwell Show :)! We watched Britain From Above and there was a reindeer farm, all free rangeing but when the man shouted they all came running down the mountains to him. No herding at all.
The only bad point about here is that there isn’t a shower so you have to have a bath and it takes ages :(.
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